Aug. 3, 2020 #KnowYourMil: Staff Sgt. Fernando Acosta Staff Sgt. Fernando Acosta, a member of the 439th Contingency Response Flight, has served his community as a firefighter with the Fire Department of the city of New York since 2016.
June 29, 2020 #KnowYourMil: Capt. Keith Grant U.S. Air Force Capt. Keith Grant, 439th Aerospace Medical Squadron flight medicine provider, worked on the front lines of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic as a Senior Assistant Director in infection prevention for Hartford Healthcare in Connecticut.
June 15, 2020 #KnowYourMil: Master Sgt. Michael Teixeira Finding one’s true calling can be a long process filled with trial and error. Some know right away what their path will be. Master Sgt Michael Teixeira, 439th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron NCOIC, said his choice was easy.
June 8, 2020 #KnowYourMil: Chief Master Sgt. Alex Reno Amidst the nation-wide protests and civil unrest, Chief Master Sgt. Alex Reno, 439th Maintenance Group superintendent and New Hampshire police officer, put the Air Force core values into practice during a protest in Hampton Beach on June 1.